COVID-19 Updates
The COVID-19 pandemic across the New York tri-state region and the United States continues to evolve and we created a designated area on our website for current news and information.
COVID-19 At-Home Tests
Medical carriers are now required to cover the cost of over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 tests for their members. To view how each of our medical carriers are complying with this new directive click on the links below:
The Federal government has launched a national website where each household can receive a one-time shipment of four free COVID-19 at-home tests. For more information on this program go to
Additionally, free N95 masks will be distributed through pharmacies and community centers nationwide.
- New York Issues FAQs on Paid Vaccination Leave Law
- Vaccine Myths
- When One Shot Is Not Enough
- 20 Essential Facts About Face Masks
- Health Eating When Working From Home
- COVID-19 Resources for New Yorkers
- Assistance offered by the Federal government for those affected bt COVID-19
- COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Information
- New York - Vaccination Eligibility, Registration & Information
- New Jersey - Vaccination Eligibility, Registration & Information
- Connecticut - Vaccination Eligibility, Registration & Information
- New York - Testing Site Information
- New Jersey - Testing Site Information
- Connecticut - Testing Site Information
- Coping With Stress